Get Connected

Kentucky Campus Compact creates opportunities for higher education administrators, faculty, staff, students, and community partners to share their work, reflect, learn, and strategize. We believe in working together to build skills, relationships, and power, so we very much welcome suggestions and leadership from our network to shape our programming.

In addition to offering our own signature events, training sessions, and networking opportunities, we serve as a clearinghouse of information about relevant events in the field.

For a description of customized support that Kentucky Campus Compact can provide for our members and partners, click here.

Stay up to date with our current events!

January 2025

Civic Engagement

Civic engagement is working to make a positive impact on one’s community by identifying and addressing issues of public concern. To embed engagement throughout higher education institutions is at the heart of Campus Compact’s work. Under this broad category are research and other initiatives created to help campuses develop effective service, service-learning, and civic engagement programs.

Newman Civic Fellows

The Newman Civic Fellowship recognizes and supports community-committed students who have demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country. The fellowship provides training and resources that nurture students’ assets and passions to help them develop strategies to achieve social change. Through the fellowship, Campus Compact provides learning opportunities focused on the skills fellows need in order to serve as effective agents of change in addressing public problems and building equitable communities

NKU Norse Skolars

In January 2020, the AmeriCorps Norse Skolars program was a finalist at the NKU Innovation Challenge and was selected and approved for funding and implementation. Since that time, AmeriCorps, Kentucky Campus Compact, Admissions and UCAP have been collaborating on plans to supplement services for nearly 500 incoming students who are selected as Norse Skolars. Norse Skolars currently represents 185 high schools from 11 states.